[007] New PTC with a very good looking
Well, it seems that this ptc Staff isn't here to play... It has a VERY good looking for now. It is on pre-signup period, with the opening scheduled for the end of April. And it seems by the carefully image (is what you can evaluate for now) that's the best PTC I have ever seen! I hope that matches in all aspects to the good image it has. I think yes ... it has potential for it!
"Our site is being completly designed from scratch because, as users of other PTC sites we were sure that, besides many offers, none could give us what we wanted as users or advertisers."

(click on banner to sign up)
$0,01 per click (standard ad)
$0,015 per click (top ad)
$0,005/$0,01 per referral click
$2,00 minimum payout
payments by Alerpay
- 50% discount on your first advertiment. - 20% discount on all other advertisements bought until the debut day. - If you're one of the top 20 users with the most referals, you automatically win one of our immediate cash bonus in your account to use when and how you want. We have $380,00 available to offer."
"Our site is being completly designed from scratch because, as users of other PTC sites we were sure that, besides many offers, none could give us what we wanted as users or advertisers."

(click on banner to sign up)
$0,01 per click (standard ad)
$0,015 per click (top ad)
$0,005/$0,01 per referral click
$2,00 minimum payout
payments by Alerpay
"What you will gain in the Pre-Registration period:
Yes, a most amazing site in deed!
Can't wait for it to start!