[002] PTC dictionary
PTC - Pay To Click sites are sites where members are paid to see advertisements, during a short period of time (usually 30sec). There are a link list that the members have to see to get paid. Members click and see one site at a time and can only see the following link when the countdown expires. Joining these sites is always free, giving anyone the opportunity to begin earning some money.
PTR - Pay To Read sites, are sites where members are paid to read e-mails sent to them.
Ads - "advertisements" are the links / ptc advertising that have so that its members clickem / see and be paid for that.
Referrals - are those that join a certain ptc under indication/url of another member already registered and so become their "referrals". Each time a referral see an ad, the member who is his upline also receives cash for it.
Referrers - are members already registered who invite others to register as their referrals
The person J join X ptc site.
After that invites the person K to join that ptc site X.
K join ptc site X, referring J as referrer.
Therefore K is J's referral, so each ad that K sees, K and J get paid for it.
Premium Member - a member who did the upgrade to his account, and because of that enjoys certain privileges (greater value per click, higher value per click of a referral, priority in payments, among others depending on the site)
Cashout/Payout - is when a member, already reaching the minimum for payout required by the site, requests to be transferred the money obtained for your virtual account (in most cases) Alertpay.
PTR - Pay To Read sites, are sites where members are paid to read e-mails sent to them.
Ads - "advertisements" are the links / ptc advertising that have so that its members clickem / see and be paid for that.
Referrals - are those that join a certain ptc under indication/url of another member already registered and so become their "referrals". Each time a referral see an ad, the member who is his upline also receives cash for it.
Referrers - are members already registered who invite others to register as their referrals
The person J join X ptc site.
After that invites the person K to join that ptc site X.
K join ptc site X, referring J as referrer.
Therefore K is J's referral, so each ad that K sees, K and J get paid for it.
Premium Member - a member who did the upgrade to his account, and because of that enjoys certain privileges (greater value per click, higher value per click of a referral, priority in payments, among others depending on the site)
Cashout/Payout - is when a member, already reaching the minimum for payout required by the site, requests to be transferred the money obtained for your virtual account (in most cases) Alertpay.
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